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JC’s Confession: Why I Became a Habs Fan and Despise the Bruins

Published by on April 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Let me explain my pedigree: I'm a Los Angeles-based sports fan. Cut my teeth on all five of the major team sports, and in the only city which has two major college football teams, I've always been partial to the USC Trojans.

Even though I'm a Kings fan first and foremost (and don't think that's not a burden), I was able to appreciate the way the Canadiens teams of the '70s played the game. I also appreciated the fact that in their relationship with Boston, Montreal was the one holding the leash and the Bruins were wearing the collar.

Since the Bruin name is shared by both the Boston hockey team as well as the university of california, los angeles (ucla—lower case by insulting intention) that is a major strike...

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