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Jim Balsillie: Canadian Folk Hero or American Joke?

Published by on May 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Coverage of Jim Balsillie's bid to buy the Phoenix Coyotes is quite different in Canada from what it is in the USA. North of the border, Balsillie is elevated to the status of billionaire folk hero, but in the States, it looks as though his offer is not taken seriously.

The Las Vegas Review Journal joked about it, saying hell must have frozen over if an American NHL team is going back to Canada. "Remember when no one wanted a Canadian nickel and some of our northern neighbor's sports teams flocked south of the border?" the Las Vegas newspaper asked.

"NHL teams in Winnipeg and Quebec were exported to the United States in 1995," the paper reminded readers in a small item buried under a NASCAR story. "The U.S. economic cl...

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