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Jim Balsillie’s Third Attempt at NHL Ownership a Joke

Published by on May 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Yet another sad day for the NHL in Jim Balsillie's ridiculous saga of trying to move a franchise to Hamilton.

And especially during the Stanley Cup playoff Semi-Finals.

If this jerk Balsillie was any real hockey fan, as he claims, he'd wait to make a bid on any team if the team came up available, and not cause a distraction to the league during the playoffs.

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the fact that there's someone willing to continually stick their neck out to get out franchises back in Canada. Hamilton has deserved one for years!

And I couldn't give two turds and a popcorn fart about whether it "infringes" on the stinkin' Leafs' territory or not. The competition of having...

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