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Ken’s Rants: Balsillie and NHL Need To Remember Fans on Both Sides

Published by on June 10, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

I have to admit when I am more interested in the soap opera that is "as the Coyote turns" rather than the eternal crying of Sidney Crosby and his Penguins facing the dreaded Detroit Red Wings you know I'm sorta bored of hockey this season.

Lets be honest though, that situation is likely more important than the Stanley Cup. The ownerships, league, and franchise's failure in Phoenix has a lot more to do with just a name, city, and jersey change.

Is Balsillie wrong in wanting his team? No.

Or his vocal willingness to move the Canada? No.

Then the question becomes is Gary Bettman and the NHL wrong for wanting to keep the team in Phoenix wrong? No again.

I am in no way a lawyer, or corp...

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