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March of the Penguins: Pittsburgh Continues Playoff Excellence

Published by on May 25, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

I'm not going to lie, in my playoff pool I had the Penguins going down in the first round to the Philadelphia Flyers. Well call me any name you want now for that prediction. 

On the other hand I called Bill Guerin to step up after a lousy round one performance and he has 10 points in his last 10 games.
So instead of making anymore crazy far fetched predictions, I'll make a small prediction. The Stanley Cup finals will consist of the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Detroit Red Wings. 
Don't let your jaws drop too far I know that was right out of left field considering the Pens and Wings haven't won their series' yet, but I'll take my chances since both have sizable leads i...

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