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Mistake Free Hockey Will Be Key for New York Rangers, Washington Capitals

Published by on April 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Hockey is a game of mistakes, and although every hockey fan loves the great offensive goal, a lot of things have to go right before the puck is in the back of the net.

Keeping with the cliche route, the best offense is a good defense; which is exactly what the high-flying Washington Capitals have going for them (and the main reason they are the No. 2 seed).

Meanwhile, the New York Rangers will be counting on their Vezina-caliber pictured-above goaltender and the sixth-best team defense in the league to lead them past Ovechkin and company.

But you have probobably by now already heard of all the strengths of each team, and some of the weaknesses at that. If the four regular season matchups showed us anythi...

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