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New York Islanders: A Lighthouse at the End of the Tunnel?

Published by on June 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

One of the many reasons I stuck with sports writing in my bygone days of journalism and resisted any attempt to make the shift to hard news was politics. I can't stand them.

The Lighthouse Project is, of course, all about politics. If it was just about a new building for Long Island's only major professional sports franchise, we'd be enjoying a New Coliseum already, with triple the luxury boxes and all the sushi, barbecue, and gourmet pizza you could eat.

So what a shock it was that soon after Charles Wang announced his October deadline to say go or no-go on the Lighthouse—and not long after Garden City attorney Kristen McElroy announced that she would run against Kate Murray for the Town of Hempstead's supervi...

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