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New York Islanders: Five Random Thoughts

Published by on October 19, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

1) Under performing or Right on Schedule? - The Islanders are win-less. Is anyone surprised? I know I am. Now I didn't think they would come in and blow the doors off, but I expected slightly better results.

There are two things that are a big concern.

The wild inconsistency in the level of play and the seemingly porous two new goaltenders.

The Islanders have shown entire periods or two of what they are capable of. Then, you see how fast they can make a great game into a poor one.

This is something I thought Head Coach Scott Gordon would have a better handle on with his young team, but let's take a step back and realize we are dealing with youngsters learning a system they may not be accustomed to....

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