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New York Rangers: A Holiday From the Hosers

Published by on April 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

There’s been a lot of hockey talk around here the last few weeks, but I swear to Wayne Gretzky, it ends right here, right now. Losing Game Seven of a series you were once leading 3-1 will do that to you. The only potential hitch in the plan is Keith, who is a loose cannon liable to go off on any topic known to man, as he did a few days ago when he surprisingly worked up a completely unauthorized, unsanctioned and gratuitous hockey post.  We’ll forgive him because A) the post was really good, and B) he’s a mean drunk. Bear with me as I empty my puck-crazed brain before it turns to the NBA playoffs, baseball, and just about anything else in sports besides hockey.

I’m actually not as upset ab...

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