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NHL Playoff Traditions: Why the NHL Is the Most Celebrated League

Published by on May 18, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

The NHL Playoffs have more tradition than any sport under the sun. I am certain of this.

Who doesn't love tradition? It's what makes the sport you love even greater than it already is. So here's my list of eight NHL Playoff traditions, pointing out to the sporting world why our sport is better than yours.


1. Sudden Death Overtime

Overtime exists to some degree in every sport's playoffs. However only the NHL and NFL allow sudden death. Baseball will go into extra innings, but if a team scores at the top of the 15th inning, the opposing team will always get the chance for a rebuttal.

In the NBA, there is timed overtime and whoever remains on top at the end of the overtime peri...

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