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Nieuwendyk Beings Reign to Dallas Stars with Ousting of Tippett

Published by on June 11, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Today will mark a historical day for the Dallas Stars, as they formerly announce Marc Crawford as the 20th coach in franchise history.

The Stars issued a press release confirming Crawford's hiring, and stating an announcement will be made today (Thursday, June 12, 2009) at the American Airlines Center.

When news broke of this last night, I had a bevy of mixed emotions.

To begin with, I was a big fan of Dave Tippett.  His calm and cool demeanor was one I found to be stellar behind the bench.

He got past his playoff demons last season, and injuries killed the team this season, keeping Dallas from returning to the playoffs.

Then comes Joe Nieuwendyk, who I am also a huge fan of.

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