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Ooh, aah, au revior les Glorieux!

Published by on April 23, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

This year, I’ve really started to get into the Boston Bruins.  I’ve always liked them in past years, but never this much.  It isn’t because they were the best team in the Eastern Conference this year; it’s because of the playoff game I saw them play against the Canadiens last year.  That game really got me engulfed in Bruins fever and you no what?  After they beat the Montreal Canadiens last night, it felt like the Sox had just won a World Series game. What makes the Bruins sweep of the Canadiens even sweeter isn’t that it is their first series win since 1999 and it came against their arch nemesis; it’s because of the enjoyment of watching the classless Canadiens fans be disappointed....

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