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Penguins-Flyers Game Three: NBC Embarasses Itself During Flyers’ Victory

Published by on April 19, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

I, like most of you here on Bleacher Report, have watched a lot of professional sports on television in my lifetime.

While I tend to indulge in the NFL world only when the Pittsburgh Steelers are playing, and likewise with MLB and the Pirates, I watch as much hockey as I possibly can during each regular season, and even more so during the playoffs.

That being said, I can confidently state that the product which has been delivered by NBC during the opening week of the 2009 Stanley Cup Playoffs is by far the most embarrassing, most unprofessional, overall lowest grade product to ever hit national television.

If you have a pulse, and are not from New Jersey or Philadelphia, I would deem it physically imposs...

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