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Penguins Resent Rival Flyers?

Published by on April 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Just a little something...

You know how facebook names sometimes say, Kristin: Can't wait for school to be over! Or something silly like that. Well, I logged onto my facebook page tonight and saw my little sister's name said:

"Jen V: Wonders if the Penguins harbor some additional resentment against the Flyers given the fact that they can't fly. I mean, it's kind of salt on the wound; calling yourselves Flyers in the face of a Penguin. Poor birds. Don't get me wrong, they're stickin it to em on the ice. But just a thought."

Props to sis for being clever, and props for being a hockey fan! :)

The "stickin' it to 'em" she was referring to was the 4-1 Penguins victory over the Flyers Wednesday ...

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