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Pittsburgh Penguins-Philadelphia Flyers Game One: Mar-ty, Mar-ty, Mar-ty, Mar-ty

Published by on April 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

A bottle of Maple Syrup might be hard to come by tomorrow morning in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The Penguins started the Eastern Conference Quarterfinals with a bang by pouring the metaphorical Maple Syrup all over Martin French Toast Biron tonight at the Igloo.

If you were watching the game from outside of the Western Pennsylvania area, I feel sorry for you.

Not because you didn't get to hear Bob Errey bash the Flyers all night, but because you likely had to listen to whichever jokes VERSUS supplied in the commentators' booth talking about what an amazing human being/captain Mike Richards is and how Kimmo Timonen is the best defenseman in the National Hockey League.

Richards hit three posts in t...

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