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Ray Emery is a Worthwhile Risk for the Philadelphia Flyers

Published by on June 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

If all of the indications are correct, the Flyers will be adding Ray Emery to their organization in the very near future. There has already been a fair amount of head scratching, but considering the position the Flyers find themselves in, adding Emery is a worthwhile move.

Jammed up against the salary cap, the Flyers cannot afford to give Martin Biron more than his $3.5 million salary of last season. Nor should they want to, as Biron has proven to be mediocre. Bringing him back would likely be settling for another first round exit.

Biron and fellow unrestricted netminder Antero Niittymaki have shown they are capable of getting a team to the playoffs. But the Philadelphia Flyers organization and its fans a...

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