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Sidney Crosby Handshake Controversy Builds Red Wings-Penguins Rivalry

Published by on June 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

As the closing seconds ticked down in the NHL season on Friday, I stormed out of Hockeytown Café, the bar owned by the Detroit Red Wings.

I came home, ate food, and went to bed, bitter and hurt. The shock of the Pittsburgh Penguins knocking off my beloved Wings had not yet set in.

Saturday afternoon, I felt drained and sick. All season long, I poured so much into the season, expecting another championship. Those hopes were still alive just hours later, until suddenly the realization hit me that it was over.

On Sunday, the emotions were a bit more in-check. That is until I watched Pens captain Sidney Crosby bring the Stanley Cup out at PNC Park, the home of the Pirates. Trouble is, the Detroit Tigers w...

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