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Sportscenter’s Top 10 NHL Plays of the 2008-09 Season

Published by on April 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Sportscenter recently released their top 10 plays of the 2008-09 NHL season. That is, the top 10 plays of the REGULAR season. There are still four rounds of playoff hockey to be played, and there will likely be some great plays during that time as well. But for now, Sportscenter is focusing on the top plays from the past five-and-a-half months.
10: Milan Lucic No, top hockey plays do NOT always involve spectacular goaltending or crafty stick-work. The top 10 is kicked off with Milan Lucic’s hit on Toronto’s Mike Van Ryn that shattered a pane of glass along the boards. The hit—at least compared to other crushing blows Lucic has delivered—looks tame in the video. It just appears that the two crashed into the bo...

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