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Stanley Cup Finals: Here’s to You… Signed, The City of Pittsburgh

Published by on June 12, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

On the eve of what is likely the biggest game of our lives as Penguin fans, it is only fitting to look at what we have become as a fan base, as a city, as the city of Pittsburgh, and just how we got here.

Here's to you 1984 for bringing us Mario Lemieux on draft day.

Le Magnifique would begin to write his legacy during his first shift in the National Hockey League and would eventually go on to become the greatest, most respected athlete in the history of our city.

He would go on to become not only the greatest player in franchise history, but our owner, and our savior... once on the ice and once from his office upstairs.

Here's to you 1991 for allowing all of us to enjoy our first sip out of L...

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