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Suriving a Car Crash: A Guide for the Montreal Canadiens

Published by on May 2, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

The Montreal Canadiens 100th season was very much like watching a car accident. 

It cruised along during the first half of the season, with the team having both hands firmly planted on the wheel and a strong wind behind it. 

At the start of the new year, and heading in to the All-Star break, the back wheel got a little wobbly, making the car somewhat unbalanced and shaky.

When the push for the playoffs began, the wobbly back wheel blew, sending the car swerving all over the road. The team jerked the wheel, fought for control, managed to keep it steady for a moment or two. 

As the regular season came to an close, the car hit the gravel shoulder and spun it wildly out of control. ...

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