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Talking Stanley with the Cup’s Keeper, Phil Pritchard

Published by on June 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

As curator of the Hockey Hall of Fame, Phil Pritchard has plenty of artifacts to fuss over, but taking care of Canada’s Holy Grail is his main responsibility.

Standing 3 feet tall and weighting in at a hefty 34 pounds, Lord Stanley’s Cup is a whole lot of mug.

Over its 116-year history, this giant trophy has mostly served as a jumbo sized beer pitcher for the NHL’s championship team.

It was also stuffed with raw oysters on MTV in 1994 and used as a baptismal font for one of Sylvain Lefebvre’s kids in 1996, and it purportedly became the 1940 New York Rangers’ piss pot.

I got P...

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