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The Agony of Defeat: Our Strange Investment in Fandom

Published by on June 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

I gotta tell you I’m pretty bummed out today.

It was my birthday yesterday and I had a good time with friends, but I woke up today feeling a little achy, a little dull, a little empty.  The Red Wings lost the Cup, and I’m feeling a little low.

This makes me contemplative and got me to wondering about how invested we can become with our sports teams, such that a guy like me, who doesn’t really get down about anything, can be so affected by the outcome of a hockey game that is essentially meaningless to the bottom line of his life.

The sports media, of course, has taken the opportunity to dump on Detroit some more, reminding us how we have the highest unemployment rate in the nation, ...

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