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The Boston Bruins Face the Abyss

Published by on May 10, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

"We have to look at it as one game at a time".

A cliche so overused that I'm surprised it hasn't been used, mockingly, in other aspects of life.

"Yes Mom, I'll eat my veggie's, but you have to take it one green-bean at a time."

For the Bruins, this oft-quoted statement finally and genuinely means something. The next game could truly be their last for this season.

Depending on the viewpoint, this latest season means everything...or nothing. It's all a matter of perspective and expectations. Is this a lasting turning-point for the franchise, or is it another "close but no cigar" disappointment for the Bruins faithful and their adored franchise?

Approximately nine percent of pla...

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