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The NHL Does Not Need Expansion

Published by on June 11, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

The NHL has come a long way since the days of the Original six and have built a strong, marketable product to sell to the fans. Although the league has been in Los Angeles for quite some time now—and it must have been a stretch to think that would have happened—having two Florida franchises would not have crossed anyone's mind 20 years ago. Especially after hockey in Atlanta had just failed at the end of the '70s.

In my early years of watching hockey, the NHL had 21 teams, which seemed like an awkward number. The first Expansion I saw came when the San Jose Sharks assumed half of the Minnesota North Stars before they moved to Dallas. I still don't get how that worked, or why they were able to do that, but it evened t...

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