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The Penguins Only Hope: Play Crazy

Published by on May 31, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

If the Penguins hope to achieve a different outcome in this year's Stanley Cup Finals, then they are going to have to alter their approach against the Red Wings.

Yes, the Red Wings were the recipients of two quirky goals that propelled them to the 3-1 victory in Game One.  But a goal is a goal.  And the fact is, the Penguins only managed to score once in this game.

One goal after posting a mere 10 in six games in the 2007-08 Stanley Cup Finals versus these same Red Wings.  Marian Hossa was directly involved in seven of those 10 Penguin goals in last year's Finals (three goals, four assists), yet now he skates for the Red Wings.  Who on the Penguins is going to pick up that slack absent f...

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