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Three Reasons Diehard Female Hockey Fans Make the Best Girlfriends

Published by on May 17, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

I often notice that a lot of male hockey fans drag their girlfriends to games.  These are the girls/women staring up at the rafters and chewing gum.  They go to the bathroom at least 10 times during the game.  They consume a lot of diet sodas and even more hot dogs. 

Why don't these same guys date women who actually enjoy hockey.  They're out there.  She doesn't have to be a fan of your team.  So what she doesn't like the Oilers?  Suck it up. 

Believe me, they're useful, oddly entertaining, and make for good conversation.

1. If you consider yourself unlucky enough to have not seen a single player from your team out on the town, start dating a DFH...

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