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Top 50 Sean Avery Jokes: The Rangers Star Everyone Loves To Hate

Published by on April 27, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

The New York Rangers super-pest and uber agitator is not just the hockey player that fans and sportswriters love to hate, he's also the one everybody loves to make jokes about.

Why? His persona is puckish, like the Joker in Batman, or Shakespeare's Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream. That's why I've compiled this short list of Avery jokes.

1. Do the Rangers need Sean Avery?
A. The Rangers don't need Sean Avery. They need two Sean Averys.

2. How many do Sean Averys do the Rangers need, really?
A. The Rangers need the whole team to play like Sean Avery.

3. How many Sean Averys does it take to change a light bulb?
A. One to break the lighbulb with his hockey stick, one to...

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