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Toronto Maple Leafs Stanley Cup Champions 2010!! I LIED.

Published by on May 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

There has been so much talk about how Brian Burke will bring the Cup back to Toronto.

The truth is that this will not happen. The Irishman was given a team with a lot of talent when he signed with the Ducks.

I'll give him credit, though. Bringing in Niedermayer and Pronger took the team to a whole new level, but that's not the case in Toronto. The Leafs have no talent and the only hope comes from the blue line with Luke Schenn and Dimitri Vorobiev. I doubt that Burke will bring us the cup.

There is much talk about the Leafs going for John Tavares. Why wouldn't they be talking about it? He's the best player in the draft, the hometown boy, and his favorite team is the Leafs. It's similar to when everyone b...

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