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Why NHL Hockey is the Ultimate Improvisational Thriller

Published by on June 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

If you've seen a few suspense movies, you know the story will unfold. A scary unknown interrupts the comfortable world and induces panic. Then the "good guy" steps in and at first appears to be in over his head trying to fight the evil. But in the end he overcomes the "bad guy" and restores normalcy to every-day life.

The movie is fun while it lasts, but you can't watch it more than a few times before it bores you.

NHL hockey is similar to a suspense movie, but better. Much better.

A hockey game has its scary moments. An opponent deflects a shot just wide of your team's net. One of your guys gets laid out and doesn't get up for several minutes. An opponent gets an excellent scoring chance.

An ...

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