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Will Jim Balsillie Take The Phoenix Coyotes Back To Winnipeg?

Published by on May 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Will Jim Balsillie buy the bankrupt Phoenix Coyotes out of the Arizona desert and move the team back to Winnipeg? Does the hockey team belong up north, where the desert is frozen?

The NHL is now saying they prefer Winnipeg to Hamilton. Balsillie has said he wants to bring a seventh NHL franchise to Canada, but he has southern Ontario in mind.

The NHL would consider moving the Phoenix Coyotes hockey team to Winnipeg, but not to Hamilton, according to reports published today, the Winnipeg Free Press reported.

The Phoenix Coyotes were originally the Winnipeg Jets. Many Winnipegers would love to see the team return. Hamiltonians will be devastated.

The Toronto Star also reported that Gary Bettman wo...

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