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Wow. Did THAT Suck! …Bruins Lose and I’m Off The Bangwagon

Published by on May 18, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

First off, 10 points to whomever can tell me what movie my title is from and an additional 10 points to whomever can explain why the proper grammar is "whom ever" and not "who ever." Or is it the other way around?

The answer—to the important one—is Scrooged. A Bill Murray classic. A remake of A Christmas Carol (best performed by the Muppets), Scrooged sees Bill Murray's Ebenezer-esque character, Frank Cross, through the highs and lows of his life in order to make him appreciate what he has in the world.

In the beginning, of course, Cross is the youngest Chief Executive in the history of network television, hardened by pessimism and anger. The quote above, about sucking, comes after Cross sees a rehearsal ...

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