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NHL Offers to End Debate: Just Let LeBron Be Their Best Player Ever

Published by on June 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

The NHL has extended an offer to LeBron James to officially declare him the best player in hockey history, if only he will come play for the league and help bring a little of his publicity.

Commissioner Gary Bettman said all this debate about who is better, him or Kobe Bryant, can easily be settled if he just comes to the NHL. He explains there is no Kobe here.

"We are prepared to say he's the best ever," said Bettman. "Gretzky is nobody, Crosby is nobody, LeBron will be the king of the hockey world. We're going to also retire his jersey and number, so that no one else will be able to use it around the league.

"He's also had trouble winning a championship, so we'll even give whatever team he wants to pla...

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