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Young Marionette Accuses Kobe Bryant Puppet of Infidelity

Published by on June 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

A new report in Sports Illustrated features a young marionette in the Los Angeles area that has come forward to say she may have been involved in an extra-marital affair with the Kobe Bryant puppet over the last year.

The marionette, a 19-year-old dancer at Captain Lucky's Puppet Theater, says she became involved with Bryant after he came to one of her shows and visited her in the backstage area.

She claims that, at times, Bryant was abusive towards her, and says she twice had to go to the emergency room for damage to her strings. She says that the torrid affair included bizarre acts in the bedroom where he would ask her to stick strange things into his puppet hole.

Kobe puppet's wife, the puppet of Lebro...

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